Tag: health

8 results found
With This Blood Test, You Can Know Multiple Conditions About Your Health

Features- Dec 02, 2019

With This Blood Test, You Can Know Multiple Conditions About Your Health

This blood test now can give not only a full report of the state of health but also a forecast of possible diseases.

Esports Players' Health Is In Danger Because Of Their Toxic Habits

Features- Nov 06, 2019

Esports Players' Health Is In Danger Because Of Their Toxic Habits

Over the years, esports has become so popular around the world with many players working their best to become the champion, ignoring their health.

Googling You Health Symptoms Is Dangerous, Here's What You Should Do

Features- Nov 06, 2019

Googling You Health Symptoms Is Dangerous, Here's What You Should Do

If you have ever Googled to diagnose yourself, you will find a bunch of fatal diseases you may have got based on one symptom. What should you do?

Administrating CPR On Women Becomes Easier With These Dummy Breasts

Features- Jun 20, 2019

Administrating CPR On Women Becomes Easier With These Dummy Breasts

The idea behind the Womanikin is to eliminate bias in CPR training and provide people with proper training on how to administrate CPR on women.

Biological Glue Can Staunch A Cut In Just A Few Seconds

Features- May 31, 2019

Biological Glue Can Staunch A Cut In Just A Few Seconds

Chinese researchers have been working on something called "bioglue" which can stop wounds from bleeding in just a few seconds.

Scientists Now Able To Modify Gene That Makes Us Ugly And Fat

Features- Apr 29, 2019

Scientists Now Able To Modify Gene That Makes Us Ugly And Fat

Scientists at Cambridge University believe they have found a way to tweak genes that can help people lose weight more easily.

Skin Inspired Biosensors Can Offer Real-Time Wounds Monitoring

Features- Apr 11, 2019

Skin Inspired Biosensors Can Offer Real-Time Wounds Monitoring

Researchers have developed new electronics that will allow for long-term real-time monitoring of wounds on patients.

Mexican Doctor Finally Found A Cure For Cervical Cancer And Human Papillomavirus

Features- Feb 11, 2019

Mexican Doctor Finally Found A Cure For Cervical Cancer And Human Papillomavirus

After 20 years of researching, Eva Ramon Gallegos, a Mexican researcher, has succeeded in finding a method to completely remove papillomavirus from the human body and prevent cervical cancer in women.

The Smallest Non-Battery Device Can Alert People Of UV Overexposure

Gadgets- Dec 08, 2018

The Smallest Non-Battery Device Can Alert People Of UV Overexposure

Scientists have come up with a super small, wearable device on the body that is able to alert the body to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV).