Former Apple Engineer Creates iPhone Software That Apple Will Definitely Want To Have

Ravi Singh

Former Apple Engineer Creates iPhone Software That Apple Will Definitely Want To Have

In a recent video, Former Senior of Apple has introduced a brand new type of environmentally-lit user interface for iPhone.

Welcoming the New Year 2019, Bob Burrough - an Apple's ex-employee - recently posted a striking video on his YouTube Channel flaunting a new idea for iPhone's interface that he's developing.

“Project Erasmus” is an implementation of user-interface (aka UI) that shades the objects based on the lighting of the environment where the device is in. Let's find out about this amazing visual effect and you will understand why it’s worth trying!

Check it out:

Burrough has set a demonstration of the Project Erasmus to illustrate how it works in the reflection of the light from the environment that the device is in.

When this man rotates the device around, the UI elements respond slowly to light from different angles and adjust proper brightness as well as contrast.