Mumbai Uses Smart Helmets To Screen 200 People In 1Min To Fight COVID-19

Harin - Jul 29, 2020

Mumbai Uses Smart Helmets To Screen 200 People In 1Min To Fight COVID-19

According to medical volunteer Neelu Jain, using this smart helmet to screen people for COVID-19 is a lot faster than traditional screening methods.

In many areas of Mumbai, smart helmets with thermal screening are being used to fight COVID-19. These helmets are capable of scanning 200 people in just 1 minute. With thermal screening, the helmet will determine if the body temperature of a person is higher than normal since fever is a symptom of COVID-19.

Data from many people is collected. The helmet is attached to a smartwatch. When a person looks into the helmet’s camera, his body temperature data will be recorded in the smartwatch.

Smart Helmet Mumbai
When a person looks into the helmet’s camera, his body temperature data will be recorded in the smartwatch.

The speed of the helmet is fast enough to screen from 13 to 14 individuals in only 1 second.

Two of them are being deployed in Mumbai while the other two are in Pune. The Indian BMC and JAIN Sanghatana NGO started running “Mission Zero” in June. The goal is to bring the number of cases in the state to zero.

At the moment, these smart helmets are being deployed in the containment zone only. This is to find out the maximum number of cases, thus reaching Mission Zero’s goal.

Smart Helmet Mumbai 2
At the moment, these smart helmets are being deployed in the containment zone only.

This smart helmet reportedly costs around Rs 6 lakh and can store 64GB of data. There are two cameras. One will record the video of a person while one will screen a person's body temperature.

According to medical volunteer Neelu Jain, using this smart helmet to screen people is a lot faster than traditional screen methods. To screen 300 people in a slum with 20,000 people, it takes three hours.

These helmets were previously used in China, Italy, and Dubai and helped these countries slow down the spread of the virus.

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