Money Control: This Website Shows How Rich You Are Compared To The Rest Of The World

Dhir Acharya

Do you ever question how rich you are compared to the rest of the world? Is moneycontrol a reason that's holding you back from being richer?

Are you one of those who are working a 9-to-5 job with a salary just enough to make ends meet and your moneycontrol is not efficient enough? But do you know that compared with the rest of the country and the rest of the world, you are a lot richer than you may think?

Global Rich List ( will show your rank of wealthiness, all you have to do is choosing your country and entering your income or personal assets.

Keep in mind that these numbers are just estimates and vary depending on the country you choose.

For example, when you choose to see the rank based on your income, you enter your annual income, say Rs 43,680. The result is that you are among 34.82 percent of the richest people on Earth, which means you rank 2,089,422,536th.

The annual income we just mentioned is an estimate of the average annual income of India, so if you’re an average person in the country, it’s easy to see that you are richer than over four other billion people in the world.

Continue and scroll down, you will also see other information that the website has generated specifically for you, along with comparisons to other countries. For example, your estimated income per hour is Rs 22.75, which is over three times as high as that of an average laborer in Indonesia (Rs 6.78).

And with an annual income of Rs 43,680, an average Indian earns what it takes an average laborer in Ghana 15 years to make.

And it takes you 27 minutes and 44 seconds to make enough money to buy a can of Coca-Cola while it takes the average laborer in Zimbabwe 1 hour 7 minutes and 48 seconds. That’s a lot of difference.

Your monthly income is also enough to pay 15 doctors in Malawi for their monthly salaries.

You can also find out about how rich you are regarding assets, just enter the estimated worth of your properties. The website will give you the same figure for the percentage and the rank, along with comparisons to other countries like how long you can feed a family in Ethiopia or how many people’s wealth yours is equivalent to.

And a bit curious about our richest man Mukesh Abani? His annual income is Rs 1,50,00,00,000, which puts him among the top 0.0001% richest people on Earth, ranking 143rd.

And if you are interested in managing your money as well as make your assets grow, and of course to ultimately increase your rank when you enter your income or assets on the website, is a great place to start. This is an Indian online business news website where you can get yourself updated with the financial situation in the country. For example, you can see the market data of a company like Yes Bank Ltd. by searching Yes Bank moneycontrol.

There are many sections that you can click on and view the information in various areas such as News, Markets, Mutual Funds (which you can search by typing moneycontrol mutual fund in Google), Commodities, Insurance, Video, Podcast, Personal Finance, moneycontrol Portfolio, Forum, etc. The site currently supports three languages, English, Gujarati, and moneycontrol Hindi. It tells you how the finance world is doing and there’s a section where you can manage your own portfolio.

Now, how rich are you?

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