YouTuber’s Video Showing Him Doing Nothing For Two Hours Becomes Viral

Harin - Aug 05, 2020

YouTuber’s Video Showing Him Doing Nothing For Two Hours Becomes Viral

Muhammad Didit, a YouTuber from Indonesia decided to post a 2-hour video of himself sitting on a couch and not doing anything.

If you are a YouTuber and want to find an easy and quick way to get thousands of views for your YouTube videos, staring aimlessly at the camera might be a good idea.

Take this guy as an example. Earlier this month, Muhammad Didit, a YouTuber from Indonesia decided to post a 2-hour video of himself sitting on a couch and not doing anything. The only thing he did was staring at the camera. Since then, the video has been viewed nearly 1.5 million times. It has also become an inspiration for Internet users to create countless memes. In fact, after the video of Didit became viral, other Internet users have been following his idea, hoping to have the same success. Now on YouTube, you can find countless videos showing people sitting and doing nothing for four to five, or even eight hours straight.

Muhammad Didit
The only thing he did was staring at the camera.

The 21-year-old YouTube who became a new sensation overnight said that he recorded the video because some of his viewers had requested him to post an educational video. But two hours of sitting while doing nothing was all he could think of.

After his video became famous on the Internet, Didit has been receiving many interviewing requests about his experience and his motivation shooting the clip. In one interview, he said that he shot the video from 11 pm to 1 am while sitting on a couch inside his room. To avoid unnecessary interruptions, he ate and went to the bathroom before starting the video.

Interestingly, Didit only planned to sit for 5 to 10 minutes. But he got into the character and decided to go for over 2 hours straight.

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