Clean The Air With A Polluting Diesel Bus, How Strange Is That!

Indira Datta

Today, people are calling for electricity to be a clean source of energy for public transport as it can reduce the carbon footprint of gasoline-powered vehicles. Go-Ahead Group is England's rail and bus operator, seeking to reverse the effects of gasoline vehicles. It is interesting to note that one of the vehicles that pollute the environment is now capable of becoming an air purifier.

And when that idea came true, Bluestar was born, capable of purifying the air as it moved. Thanks to a filter attached at the top of the car (manufactured by Pall Aerospace - a company that specializes in providing filters for fluid management), it is capable of removing ultrafine particles from the air, trapping them when the bus is moving.


It is worth mentioning that this invention is a diesel-powered vehicle (one of the most environmentally harmful fuels ever). The Go Ahead team did not think of this contradiction, or they forgot to pull more filters on the head of the car that would increase the amount of fuel consumed and discharge more waste. Why not a clean electric bus?


Anyway, this Bluestar bus has an air purifier on the car and cleaning up the air on the move will be an innovation in public transport. The pilot bus is claimed by Pall Aerospace to clean the air 16 times per year, up to 10 meters high. Since the BlueStar has to clean its own exhaust, the result for using it will be cleaning the air 2.4 times annually in the Southampton, up to 10 meters high.

Go-Ahead Group said, "engine barrier-type filter construction" will remove the particles efficiently and certainly will not affect the passengers on the car. Moreover, the car also has the ability to blow out fresher air than the air in front of it. If it can actually do so, it is a feasible measure to pollution reduction for cities.

If the Bluestar bus demonstrates its excellent anti-contamination in the Southampton trial, the concept can be implemented in the rest of the world. This bus can do a lot to air pollution in urban India which already too severe. There are factors to consider such as the cost of installing the filter on the bus and whether it can be installed on the existing buses or not.