Amazon Bought Thermal Cameras From Blacklisted Chinese Company To Track Employees


The deal resulted in a lot of criticism from both employees and the government.

In an effort to pre-detect COVID-19 cases within its workplaces, Amazon purchased 1,500 thermal cameras that are planned to be installed soon.

According to Reuters, these heat-sensing cameras are produced by the Chinese corporation Dahua and their abilities are distantly tracking workers’ body temperature and helping Amazon identify ones who have a fever. 

The purchase resulted in a lot of criticism from both employees and the U.S. government.

However, the purchase resulted in a lot of criticism from both employees and the U.S. government. The authorities have added Dahua in their blacklist as China applied its surveillance technology in “re-education camps” used for prisoning a small number of Uighur citizens. 

A legal purchase

Despite being questioned about morality, the deal is completely legal. U.S. government agencies are not allowed to use Dahua tech, meanwhile private companies seem to do so without any difficulties. 

IBM, Chrysler and local brands like Honeywell have also placed orders from Dahua.

Reuters also reports that Amazon is not alone - it turned out that many other American facilities (hospitals, airports, offices,...) have installed the technology. IBM, Chrysler and local brands like Honeywell have also placed orders from Dahua. 

A closer surveillance

An additional feature of these thermal cameras is its facial recognition software which individually tracks and records workers’ temperature status over time to possibly detect an infected case. However, Amazon denied the existence of the software in those devices with Reuters. 

Instead of giving specific answers to Reuters’ questions, Amazon mainly aimed at the legality of the purchase and its purpose on guaranteeing safety among their employees who worked to provide an essential service for society. 

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