[Video] New Level Of Stupidity: UK Citizens Burn Down 5G Towers Thinking They Spread The Co.ro.na.virus

Aadhya Khatri

5G towers are being burnt down in the U.K by followers of a conspiracy theory that links CO.VID-19 spread to the technology

5G towers are being burnt down in the U.K by followers of a conspiracy theory that links CO.VID-19 spread to the technology. According to the BBC, some people set at least three phone masts ablaze last week.

A spokesperson for Vodafone UK said that four cell towers were the target of vandals in just 24 hours. A tower in Birmingham was destroyed even though it does not provide 5G service.

A spokesperson for Vodafone UK said that four cell towers were the target of vandals in just 24 hours

The company that owns the mast said that they would try to recover coverage as soon as possible but the damage was huge.

The conspiracy theory that highlights the link between the CO.VID-19 outbreak and the rollout of 5G has been catching like wildfire on social media. Groups have been formed on Facebook and thousands of people are sharing misleading information blaming the outbreak on 5G.

One of the most popular theories suggests that the city of Wuhan has the Coronavirus because it has recently adopted the technology, and other cities affected by the pandemic also have 5G coverage.

These theories are obviously false as in countries like Iran and Japan, where 5G has not been in use yet, the Coronavirus still infects their citizens.

Vandalism is not everything these people are doing. The vandals also harass workers who install fiber optic cables, saying that everyone would be killed when the technology was turned on.

The arson attacks have caused more damage than just a few towers being set on fire. As the UK’s National Health Service relies on the mobile network to operate, the vandalism will negatively affect their work, especially at this trying time.

In the UK, mobile network is critical infrastructure and on Facebook, there was a group dedicated to encouraging people to burn them down. The group has been removed but several others are still online.

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