Tag: spacecraft

10 results found
NASA Spacecraft Travelling Through Space Calls For Help From Earth

Features- Jan 31, 2020

NASA Spacecraft Travelling Through Space Calls For Help From Earth

The NASA spacecraft, Voyager 2, is suffering a technical hiccup. Engineers are trying to send all the instructions as well as repair processes from billions of miles away. 

This Stingray-Shaped Spacecraft Is Perfect For Exploring Venus

Features- Nov 15, 2019

This Stingray-Shaped Spacecraft Is Perfect For Exploring Venus

The spacecraft will travel in the upper atmosphere of Venus while using the high winds and allow the team to have control over where they go

Japan Has Already Launched World's Biggest Transport Spaceship

Features- Sep 28, 2019

Japan Has Already Launched World's Biggest Transport Spaceship

Up to now, Kounotori8 is known as the largest spacecraft for transportation purposes.

An US Air Force’s Spacecraft Just Broke The Record Of Orbitting Earth In Longest Time Period

ICT News- Sep 21, 2019

An US Air Force’s Spacecraft Just Broke The Record Of Orbitting Earth In Longest Time Period

The US Air Force mentioned that the program was designed to demonstrate the reliability, reusability, and without-human assistance of space technologies.

This Tiny Fingernail-Sized Spacecraft Holds The Key To Exploring Extraterrestrial Life

Features- Apr 17, 2019

This Tiny Fingernail-Sized Spacecraft Holds The Key To Exploring Extraterrestrial Life

While big rockets help bring humans to outer space and other planets, we cannot underestimate the role of small, even tiny, spacecraft.

Israel’s Lunar Lander Just Crashed Into The Surface of the Moon

Features- Apr 17, 2019

Israel’s Lunar Lander Just Crashed Into The Surface of the Moon

It seems that Israel will have to build another Moon Lander sooner or later to continue their space expedition.

Features- Mar 21, 2019

Caltech Scientists Could Use Light To Move Objects

Caltech Scientists have found a way to move objects with only light beams.

Features- Jan 04, 2019

NASA Spacecraft Orbits Bennu-The Smallest Object Ever

OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully circled asteroid Bennu. Never before has a spacecraft from Earth orbited so close to such a small space object.

ICT News- Dec 21, 2018

FCC Sets $900,000 Fine For An Unlawful Satellite Launch

A company is fined for performing unlawful satellite launch with $900,000 fine and other future agreements set by FCC after the issue was discovered.

Features- Nov 12, 2018

India’s First Venus Mission Launched In 2023 Are Open To Other Countries

ISRO is planning to launch its first 100-kilogram-payload Venus mission in 2023, and it is inviting other countries to send proposals and join this journey.