Tag: space science

11 results found
Scientists Discover That Earth's Atmosphere Stretches Beyond The Moon

Features- Apr 30, 2019

Scientists Discover That Earth's Atmosphere Stretches Beyond The Moon

The outermost part of the Earth's atmosphere has stretched out of the Moon and farther than before.There is a cloud of hydrogen atoms known by scientists as geocorona, emitted where our atmosphere is exposed to outer space.

Galaxies Without Dark Matter Are Real, Two New Studies Confirm

Features- Apr 02, 2019

Galaxies Without Dark Matter Are Real, Two New Studies Confirm

Last year, there were a lot of controversies around a claim that some galaxies don’t have dark matter. Now, this claim has been confirmed by two studies.

Nuking Asteroids Coming To Earth Is Harder Than We Thought

Features- Mar 24, 2019

Nuking Asteroids Coming To Earth Is Harder Than We Thought

To destroy such small meteorites is a really difficult task because we not only need to increase the amount of firepower that causes them to explode.

A New Theory On Fast Radio Bursts Might Be The Answer For The Source Of These Mysterious Cosmic Events

Features- Mar 12, 2019

A New Theory On Fast Radio Bursts Might Be The Answer For The Source Of These Mysterious Cosmic Events

Brian Metzger, along with several other scientists around the world, has been working hard, trying to find an answer for fast radio bursts

ISRO Will Teach 100 Grade 9 Students To Build Satellites In Summer And Launch Them To Space

Features- Mar 06, 2019

ISRO Will Teach 100 Grade 9 Students To Build Satellites In Summer And Launch Them To Space

Students selected to study in the program also have the opportunity to visit and learn about satellite launch facilities in Sriharikota.

Neutron Stars Crashes Can Help Us Calculate Our Universe Expanding Rate

Features- Feb 26, 2019

Neutron Stars Crashes Can Help Us Calculate Our Universe Expanding Rate

By using the LIGO, astronomers can tell how far the collision is from Earth and with the bright flash it generates, they can measure the system’s speed.

During The ‘Super Wolf Blood Moon’ Eclipse, A Meteorite Struck The Moon

Features- Feb 01, 2019

During The ‘Super Wolf Blood Moon’ Eclipse, A Meteorite Struck The Moon

A meteorite strike has been recorded on tape and in picture during the Super Blood Wolf Moon on January 21st, making it the first impact event ever to be recorded during a lunar eclipse.

A Scientist Wants To Know The Fate Of Planets Orbiting Dead Stars

Features- Feb 01, 2019

A Scientist Wants To Know The Fate Of Planets Orbiting Dead Stars

Jason Nordhaus, a NASA-funded astrophysicist, is searching for the planets orbiting the dead stars to understand more about the space.

This Japanese Firm Will Make The World’s First Artificial Meteor Shower

Features- Jan 17, 2019

This Japanese Firm Will Make The World’s First Artificial Meteor Shower

A Japanese company has just launched its own satellite that will create the world's first artificial meteor shower in 2020.

Life Hunting On Europa Could Be Done By NASA’s Tunneling Bot

Features- Dec 26, 2018

Life Hunting On Europa Could Be Done By NASA’s Tunneling Bot

“Tunnelbot” could potentially be the breakthrough of exploring the thick ice layer on Europa.

ISRO Intends To Reused Dead Rocket For Science Experiments

ICT News- Dec 17, 2018

ISRO Intends To Reused Dead Rocket For Science Experiments

ISRO is researching for a unique technology to revive dead rocket in space, and using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle’s last stage (PSLV) for experiments.