Tag: Mars

46 results found
Elon Musk Doesn't Buy Luxury Vacation Homes, Here's How He Spends His Money

Features- Jan 09, 2021

Elon Musk Doesn't Buy Luxury Vacation Homes, Here's How He Spends His Money

Unlike other billionaires, Elon Musk does not own yachts or vacation homes or anything of the sort. So, what does he spend his money on?

The First Helicopter To Fly On Mars Is As Small As A Tennis Ball

Features- Jul 30, 2020

The First Helicopter To Fly On Mars Is As Small As A Tennis Ball

NASA will soon launch the Perseverance rover, accompanied by a tiny helicopter called Ingenuity, which could be the first aircraft to fly on Mars.

This Fungus From A Nuclear Power Plant Can Protects Astronauts On Mars

Features- Jul 29, 2020

This Fungus From A Nuclear Power Plant Can Protects Astronauts On Mars

Scientists have come up with the idea of building shields out of radiation-absorbing fungus that grows near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Want A Boarding Pass To Mars? Here Is How To Sign Up

Features- Jul 22, 2020

Want A Boarding Pass To Mars? Here Is How To Sign Up

NASA is sending the Perseverance rover to Mars and while not all of us can directly contribute anything to the launch, we can do so remotely

Can You See What's Weird In These Photos Of Mars?

Features- May 20, 2020

Can You See What's Weird In These Photos Of Mars?

Over the years, we have been able to capture several pictures on Mars, the Red Planet, some show nothing but red dirt while others are a little spooky.

New Level Of Work From Home: NASA Controls Mars Rover With Video Conference And 3D Glasses

Features- Apr 20, 2020

New Level Of Work From Home: NASA Controls Mars Rover With Video Conference And 3D Glasses

NASA Curiosity team has to make do with ordinary laptops, chat rooms, and red-blue 3D glasses as they work from home

Features- Apr 16, 2020

Scientists Found Out What Other Planets Smell Like And You Are Not Gonna Like It

Your nose is definitely more comfortable on Earth than on any other planets in the Solar system, as some of them smell really bad

Features- Mar 21, 2020

NASA Rescued Its Mars Lander By Telling It To Hit Itself With A Shovel Juts Like In Whack-A-Mole

NASA has proven that a good whack can solve almost any technical problems, even if it is a highly complex Mars Lander we are talking about

ICT News- Mar 08, 2020

Elon Musk To Build A New Starship Spacecraft Every 3 Days To Colonize Mars

Elon Musk said that he thought we needed around 1,000 ships, with each has much more payload than a Saturn V, and of course, they must be reusable

Features- Mar 06, 2020

First High-Resolution Of Mars Taken By NASA's Curiosity Rover Sent Back To Earth

NASA just made public 1,000 pictures with a total of 1.8 billion pixels of Mars. As you may have guessed, the panorama picture will take your breath away

Features- Feb 14, 2020

Have A Design For A City On Mars? Join This Contest And Get A Rs. 7,13,000 Award!

Mars Society set up a similar contest last year and the participants had to come up with a design for a settlement for just 1,000 inhabitants

Features- Jan 30, 2020

NASA Is Looking For Someone To Bring Rocks On Mars Back To Earth

NASA really needs a director who can lead the way.