Tag: hypersonic weapons

3 results found

Features- Jun 25, 2019

Russian Military Is Reportedly Testing Hypersonic Weapons And Lasers

If the Russian military has already tested its laser cannons and knows how to build hypersonic weapons, that means it would probably change the world military power's balance dramatically.

ICT News- Jun 13, 2019

India Reportedly Manages To Launch The Hypersonic Cruise Missile HSTDV

With the hypersonic cruise missile, India is holding a multi-task tech product in its hands. The HSTDV isn’t just used as a futuristic missile but also a low-cost, energy-efficient, and reusable vehicle to launch satellites.

Features- Mar 11, 2019

US Army Is Reportedly Developing “Tactical Boost Glide” Hypersonic Weapons

The weapon system with the built-in rocket engine can gain hypersonic speeds that are five times as high as those of the sound barrier.