With This Gadget, You Will Have A Digital Assistant Inside Your Head

Saanvi Araav

AlterEgo can detect electrical stimulations sent to mouth muscles from the brain, letting people send commands to a digital assistant without saying a word.

Reading your lips

A new small headset known as AlterEgo could detect the electrical stimulations that the brain sends to our mouth muscles. This device will let people control a digital assistant without having to say anything.

This device uses electrodes placed around our mouth to pick up the signals from our brain. Then that data will go through some processing steps before being transferred to headphones. We can compare this device to those systems that you can command using normal speed, like Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant.

The scientists have trained the software to recognize different commands data such as ("add," reply," call,").

They have tested the prototype of this device on some testers. They have also trained the software to recognize different commands data such as ("add," reply," call,"), and some others. The result has been quite promising, but it is not ready for mass production yet.

So, it is not a mind-reading device, but rather a device that could help us use our digital assistant silently. And from that, you could control your smart homes, translate different languages, overcome talking speech impediments, all without any word. Should this device ever hit the market, it might change our interaction with tech and other people forever.

Hey AlterEgo

Kapur also said that his goal with this device is to allow speech pathologized people to communicate simultaneously.

Arnav Kapur, a post-doc at MIT who is working on the device, has had an interview about it. He said that he envisions this device to be used to help neurological conditioned people to better navigate the world around them.

Users could use AlterEgo as a  discreet memory aid or communication device,  silently command it to speak or provide information for them.

Kapur also said that his goal with this device is to allow speech pathologized people to communicate simultaneously.
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