AR Contact Lenses Might Spare You The Need To Wear A Cumbersome AR Headset

Aadhya Khatri

If the tech is as sound as the company claimed, we may have a limitless number of applying cases for these AR lenses

AR is undoubtedly the future of experience but looking at our smartphones is no way to enjoy the tech to the fullest. Thanks to Mojo Vision, we now have a pair of contact lenses that allow us to use AR without wearing a cumbersome pair of glasses on our faces.

The product is called Mojo Lens AR lenses and each pair comes equipped with 14K pixels-per-inch micro-displays, image-recognition tech, motion sensors, and wireless radio.

Thanks to Mojo Vision, we now have a pair of contact lenses that allow us to use AR without wearing a cumbersome pair of glasses on our faces

The company said that its own Invisible Computing technology has the power to change the whole idea of how people experience and interact with augmented reality.

As stated on the company’s website, the lenses can do tasks like showing wearers directions and many more applications, all while sparing the users of holding a smartphone.

Mojo said that what gave them the idea is how awkward it is for users to wear an AR headset, which is unsuitable for any social event for the way they look.

The images released by Mojo Vision themselves suggest things like constellations highlighting when they look up the night sky or turn-by-turn direction.

If the tech is as sound as the company claimed, evidence in the $108 million funding it recently receives, we may have a limitless number of applying cases for these AR lenses.

Its partnership with Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired suggests that the company’s products might be valuable to help the blind regain their eyesight.

The next step for the company is to get the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as contact lenses are regarded as medical devices in the country.

There is still one more challenge though. As many have said Google Glass is too creepy, how people will react to Mojo Vision’s products?

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