Amazon Echo Vs Google Home: A Comparison

Aadhya Khatri

Amazon Echo has a better look but Google Home's virtual assistant is way smarter

In 2014 when Amazon Echo was first introduced, the smart speaker opened a new era for this device. Now we have had its next generation with Alexa, better sound quality, and the ability to control household appliances, ordering food, and many more.

However, as the market for this device seems promising, a lot of other makers have joined the competition with their own models of smart speakers. Google has Google Home, which was recently renamed as Nest. Google Assistant accompanies this device and help you manage your home, use Google’s services, as well as searching the Internet for whatever you need.

Amazon Echo might be the first, but it does not mean it is the best. So here is our comparison of the two models to see which one is the most suitable for different needs.


The Amazon Echo is wrapped in fabric

Both Google Home and Amazon Echo are cylindrical smart speakers, but they have a distinct design to differentiate one from the other. The Amazon Echo is wrapped in fabric, and you have the choice to acquire it in a range of colors.

The wooden version also looks chic, but you may have to imagine it with the interior of your home to see if it matches. On the top, there are the mute, the volume, and the power button. You will also see a ring that glows when you trigger Alexa with your voice.

Amazon Echo has the edge in design, but it does not mean Google Home does not. The latter has a touch-sensitive top so that users can control it more easily.

You can check for information like whether the Assistant is on or not and the volume level by glancing at the top. If the green, blue, yellow, and red lights are on, it means the Assistant is listening to wait for your commands. If you do not want it to hear anything you say, just turn it off with a button on the back.

The color scheme is diverse too with copper, coral, and gray. If you like the base of a third-party company, the device can work on that also. However, the white top is here to stay; it does not matter if you like it or not.

Google Home also offers a range of different colors

Both the Amazon Echo and Google Home have their own distinct look so which one is better is the matter of personal preference.

Set-Up Process

The setting up process is simple on both devices.

If Google Home is what you have, simply plug it in, download the app, and you will see the device through the app. The next step is to do precisely what the app tells you.

The process for Amazon Echo is similar. Plugging the device in and then download the Alexa app. Next, find the “+” button on the screen and connect the device to your Wi-Fi network by following the instructions.

The setup is quite similar to Amazon Echo and Google Home so we cannot state a winner in this respect.

Sound Quality

Amazon Echo has better sounds

Not many people buy smart speakers for their sound quality, but both the Google Home and Amazon Echo sound pretty great. However, they can only please users with average needs rather than the audiophiles with high standards for sounds.

Google Home has the edge in the bass, but it is not as loud as the Amazon Echo. However. Its volume is enough for an average user. The mid-range sounds a little bit off, and there are not as many details as smart speakers that focus more on audio, like the Sonos One for example.

Amazon Echo has more well-rounded sounds compared to the Google Home. So if balance is what you are looking for, the Echo fits the bill nicely. So again, the decision of which one is better depends on if you like more balanced sounds of the Amazon Echo or the better bass of the Google Home.

Smart Features

Google Assistant seems to be better at what it does

Both the Google Home and Amazon Echo have their own inbuilt virtual assistant, which are the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa respectively, bringing users a lot of smart features.

Google Assistant seems to be better at what it does, thanks to the fact that it has the company’s AI technology for voice recognition and knowledge graph. So it can give you exactly what you want when you want it. It can even suggest you what it thinks you need without you saying it out loud. The assistant can also be connected to other apps if you wish to add more features to it.

The same thing is true to Alexa as you can link with to other third-party apps. There is one thing Amazon’s voice assistant can beat Google Assistant. That is the ability to connect with more home devices. But it is not to say they Google Home is terrible at this respect; it can provide you with control over all major appliances in a typical home.

The choice of the better device depends on what operating system you are using. If that is Android, the answer is definitely Google Home. If it is not, Amazon Echo is a good option too. Google’s product can outrun Echo in languages and accents so if your household uses more than one language; the Google Home is right up your alley.

The Bottom Line

Here is the part we draw a conclusion of which the better smart speaker. However, that answer depends on personal needs and preference. If you have been using Android all along, sticking to Google’s ecosystem might be a good idea as all of the devices will collaborate seamlessly with each other. There is also a price slash for Google Home, making it an appealing deal for Android users.

If you do not use Android, Amazon Echo is an equally appealing deal. It has Apple Music now, coupled with better sounds, making it an excellent combination for streaming music on the smart speaker. The Echo works with more home appliances and looks more attractive to the eyes. Plus, the company usually reduce the price so if you can wait for the right time, you may save yourself quite a lot.

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