You Can Soon Pretend To Work With This Japanese Extension That Disguise Twitter As Slack

Karamchand Rameshwar

You will soon be able to pretend to work with this Japanese extension that can disguise Twitter as Slack, developed by Chanchii - a Japanese designer.

People around the world have been finding ways to avoid working or pretend they are working when they are actually not.

So, welcome a new way we can use to avoid effort: there is a new extension for Google Chrome that can make social media platform, Twitter, look like Slack.

The developer of this extension is Chanchii and we knew about this project from Kioy Yamauchi’s tweet.

Chanchii is at 23 years of age and he is currently living in Japan. He told that he is working as a designer at a production company in Japan named Kayac. He said that he is in charge of web design, application and production.

The extension for Google Chrome, as told, took him around 1.5 hours to make. When he was asked about why many people seem really enthusiastic about his project, he jokingly said that maybe it is because humans people are just lazy, but he was pleased if his work can help people.

This method of disguising a site in another work platform’s skin has already been around for some time. My favorite method was MSOutlookit. It disguised Reddit in the skin of Microsoft Outlook, really helpful for when I worked in my first job.

Reddit in disguise of Microsoft Outlook with MSOutlookit

But the extension of Chanchii looks much more slick. The sole issue with it is that it is not out yet.

“I’m planning to release it within the year,” he said. And how about a version in English? He is working on that as well.

While even though I can still go on Twitter while working for working purposes of course, there are a lot of other jobs that don’t have that luxury. But everyone got to have some relaxing time at work.

So, please stay tuned. We will definitely alert you right after this extension is rolled out.