Don't Use These Passwords For Your Account If You Don't Want To Be Hacked

Dhir Acharya

Many passwords look complex but they still cannot raise any difficulties to hackers because they know which are used popularly. Here are the worst of them.

Setting passwords is the simplest way to protect your accounts. However, sometimes, people are quite careless when choosing their passwords; some are still using “12345678” or even “password.” Pay more attention to this and change your password before it is too late.

SplashData, a security services firm, has released the annual list of Worst Passwords of the Year. Scanning this year’s list quickly, you can see many easy, common and guessable passwords that people still use, even those which were listed in the previous reports. More than 5 thousand leaked passwords are listed; you may be surprised with them.

Along with “password”, “123456” and “123456789” still remain in the top five. There also some new passwords added to the list. Many passwords look complex but they still cannot raise any difficulties to hackers because they know which are used popularly.

These below are the worst of the worst. Let’s see if you can find your password here.

1 - 123456 (rank unchanged from 2018)

2 - 123456789

3 - qwerty

4 - password

5 - 1234567

6 - 12345678

7 - 12345

8 - iloveyou

9 - 111111

10 - 123123

11 - abc123

12 - qwerty123

13 - 1q2w3e4r

14 - admin

15 - qwertyuiop

16 - 654321

17 - 555555

18 - lovely

19 - 7777777

20 - welcome

21 - 888888

22 - princess

23 - dragon

24 - password1

25 - 123qwe

26 - 666666

27 - 1qaz2wsx

28 - 333333

29 - michael

30 - sunshine

31 - liverpool

32 - 777777

33 - 1q2w3e4r5t

34 - donald

35 - freedom

36 - football

37 - charlie

38 - letmein

39 - !@#$%^&*

40 - secret

41 - aa123456

42 - 987654321

43 - zxcvbnm

44 - passw0rd

45 - bailey

46 - nothing

47 - shadow

48 - 121212

49 - biteme

50 - ginger

Publishing this annual list, we hope people will be more careful in protecting their accounts. As a result, people start to pay more attention and set more complex passwords. However, this doesn’t work really much because the hackers always have methods to figure it out.

Unfortunately, it is hard to prevent data breaches totally. Many people use one password for some or even every online account and that is not safe at all. To prevent hackers from using your leaked information of some login to access other accounts, you should use just one strong password for each account. You can use a password manager to help you create unique passwords for your accounts so that you can avoid weak and common ones.

One more time, check your passwords right now and change them if they are listed above to protect your account and above all, to protect yourself.

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