Designed By A Varanasi Man, This 'Iron Man' Suit Aims To Help Indian Army Soldiers

Anil Singh - Dec 20, 2019

Designed By A Varanasi Man, This 'Iron Man' Suit Aims To Help Indian Army Soldiers

Not only does this guy want to make a fashionable prototype of the 'Iron Man' suit, but he’s also ambitiously aiming to make a real armor for Indian Army soldiers.

Since the first launch in 2008, the superhero film Iron Man has taken the world by storm until now. Starring Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man (Tony Stark), the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe got a lot of dedicated praise thanks to a number of scenes based on cutting-edge technology at the time, especially Iron Man’s mechanized armor suit.

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Now an Indian guy wants to make the suit come closer to the reality.

To be specific, the industrialist Tony Stark created the suit in the movie and became a superhero, but now we have a chance to see an “Iron Man” suit in the real life – which is developed by an Indian youngster in quest of helping soldiers in the battlefield.

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Chaurasia is always obsessed with the idea of making such an armor suit.

Living in Varanasi, Shyam Chaurasia is an employee working at Ashoka Institute but he spends most of his free time making mechanical prototypes. Like other fans of Iron Man, he’s always obsessed with the idea of making such an armor suit.

Chaurasia started working on his own projects, and not only does he want to make a fashionable prototype, but he’s also very ambitious while aiming to make it a real armor for defense. The one and only thing in his mind is to feature soldiers in the Indian Army with the suit when they have to fight back against enemies in any collisions.

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Chaurasia is looking forward to raising funds for a more advanced model.

According to Chaurasia, the suit is made from metal. Although there’s just a prototype at present, he expects it to help Indian soldiers during their wartime. In detail, Chaurasia and his partners used a combination of motors and gears to make a remotely-controlled suit with a mobile connection. They used a technology dubbed “jugaad”, and the determined youngster is looking forward to raising funds for a more advanced model of the suit to reduce the risk on soldiers’ lives and pose a deterrent threat to our enemies.

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