Turn Your Classic Car Into An EV With This Electric Crate Motor

Sundar Pichai - Oct 22, 2019

Turn Your Classic Car Into An EV With This Electric Crate Motor

Major automakers in the market have long embraced the idea of transforming classic cars into electric vehicles. It's now possible thanks to this creation.

For long, major automakers in the market have embraced the idea of transforming classic cars into electric cars. Some attempts have been made already but turned out to be more complicated than previously thought. Handling the salvaged EV drivetrains caused individual tinkerers many troubles due to the complexity of the control and cooling systems. That’s where Swindon Powertrain’s solution comes in, which laid the foundation for an all-in-one compact electric crate motor. 

Swindon has laid the foundation for an all-in-one compact electric crate motor

The crate motor is expected to come out in 2020 under the name High Power Density EV powertrain. Compared to its capability, the engine appears to be remarkably compact with the similar size of a drivetrain used in a classic Mini. In particular, it measures about 44 centimeters deep, 60 centimeters wide, and just 28 centimeters tall. 


When it comes to its weight, the drivetrain is around 69.8 kilograms, making approximately 110 horsepower. The number is considered pretty decent if taking into account its capacity. That said, the High Power Density EV powertrain features almost everything including power inverter, cooling system, single-speed transmission, and motor.

The drivetrain is remarkably compact

What’s special about this drivetrain is the availability of its mount points. As shown on Swindon’s website, it could be mounted either at a Caterham Seven's rear or in the front of a classic Mini or a van. 

The company hasn’t mentioned the type of battery packs compatible with the drivetrain, but it's expected to work with Leafs, Bolts, or Teslas ones. By June of 2020, the drivetrain will be officially released and as of now, its pricing hasn't been revealed. 

It's possible that two drivetrains could be installed inside only one car, facilitating more power and all-wheel drive. That’ll be good news for every hobbyist and manufacturer. 


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