Trump Owes China An Apology, New York's COVID-19 Came From Europe, Not China

Aadhya Khatri

New research suggests that CO.VID-19 patients in New York carry the virus from Europe, but Trump only barred those have been to the East Asia country

New research suggests that the first CO.VID-19 patients in New York carry the from Europe, not China. This claim is confirmed by Harm van Bakel, an Icahn School of Medicine’s geneticist.

Despite studying different case groups, a team of N.Y.U. Grossman School of Medicine also has the same conclusion. What they analyzed are genomes of patients in New York who carried the

New research suggests that the first CO.VID-19 patients in New York carry the from Europe, not China. This claim is confirmed by Harm van Bakel, an Icahn School of Medicine’s geneticist

According to Dr. Gonzalez-Reiche of Icahn School of Medicine, the viruses found in New York are identical to those in Europe, suggesting an unknown global transmission from January to February.

What the scientists did was to study the virus mutations so that they can tell different lineages apart. However, the fact that the can mutate does not mean we have to change the treatment or the vaccine to adapt to each mutation.

That is a piece of good news for scientists working to find an effective vaccine.

Those working on vaccines hope that they could teach our bodies to generate antibodies that can attack the virus and prevent it from entering the cells.

Those working on vaccines hope that they could teach our bodies to generate antibodies that can attack the virus and prevent it from entering the cells

While some viruses can mutate at such a quick pace that vaccines must be able to generate different antibodies to keep up, fortunately, that is not the case with CO.VID-19. Much like other, this one mutates slower than other viruses, like influenza.

As long as the virus can infect people, it will keep mutating, meaning our vaccine may have to evolve too to keep up. That is why scientists must keep track of the virus’s history.

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