This Man Made An Emergency Lamp Using Smartphone And A Water Bottle

Harin - Oct 15, 2019

This Man Made An Emergency Lamp Using Smartphone And A Water Bottle

The power outage has prompted a Japanese Twitter user to share a cheap and easy solution to create an emergency light source in the house.

Japan is suffering from the aftermath of Hagibis – the storm that the local scientists evaluated as the worst in the last 60 years. On October 12, around 7 pm local time, Hagibis made its landfall. The typhoon swept through every corner, every street of Japan and engulfed most of the nation in water. Although the typhoon has passed, millions of people have been facing power outages. The power outage has led to a Japanese man has opted for this cheap and easy solution for an emergency lamp. All he did was using a smartphone, a water bottle, and some milk.

Japan is suffering from the aftermath of Typhoon Hagibis.

With the current situation of Japan, just this tiny source of light is enough to make the life of Japanese people a lot easier.

At first, to make the emergency lamp, the guy only used a bottle with plain water and his smartphone. However, the brightness wasn’t strong enough.

At first, the guy only used a bottle with plain water and his smartphone.

However, mixing in a bit of milk made the whole thing different. The light was much stronger and brighter.

Mixing in a bit of milk made the whole thing different.

This phenomenon is known as the Tyndall Effect, describing the amplification of light through different liquids based on the density of each substance’s molecular particles. Each particle possesses the ability to absorb and reflect light differently, thus producing light with different intensity.

This phenomenon is known as the Tyndall Effect, describing the amplification of light through different liquids.

This is a great temporary solution that is easy to implement, not only during rainy seasons but also when there is a blackout and you don’t have any battery operated lamps.



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