Scientists Found Out That How Earth Would Look Like To Aliens

Anil - Aug 30, 2019

Scientists Found Out That How Earth Would Look Like To Aliens

For extra-terrestrial creatures, Earth is considered as an exoplanet.

Deep space has been long considered an appealing dark place to people. With the assistance of earthly telescopes that are utilized to observe planets outside the solar system, things that seem impossible such as detecting even a spot of light become possible. The question is how to find the ideal weather conditions for life? Scientists have answered this question by applying the visualized reverse learning technique to our by far the only habitable planet, Earth, and simulating their findings into the alien-like things, which are millions of light-years far away from us.

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In the period from 2016 to 2017, about 10000 photos taken by NASA satellite named Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) were collected by the research team. According to Zee News, NASA satellite is located at a gravitational equilibrium between the Earth and the sun, and therefore, can only capture the earth image during the daytime with specific ten wavelengths on an hourly basis.

For extra-terrestrial creatures, Earth is considered as an exoplanet. Scientists have sought to replicate the view of aliens by decreasing the image to a single reading of brightness for each wavelength. As such, an observer who is far away might view the Earth as dots that create light curves. For those who watch continuously for two years, it can be ten light curves as illustrated over time.

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Through the analysis and comparison of these plotted curves with the original images, scientists have identified parameters that are compatible with land and clouds on images. After transforming into illustration, the parameters linked with the land area have been deduced and recreated following the 24-hour rotation of the Earth. A contour map as a result of this will be promptly submitted for publishing in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The parameters also show how the coastline is approximately illustrated by the black lines. The rough borders indicating continents such as Africa, Asia, and America are also clearly observed in the center, upper right and left, respectively.

Although there is no accurate method to visualize the actual image of the alien world, this could pave the way for astronomers to study the presence of oceans, clouds, and icecaps on any planets containing life outside the Earth.


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