Red-Light Districts In Netherlands, Thailand Reopen With Strict Guidelines


As lockdown orders are being lifted in different countries, red-light districts are coming back but with strict guidelines.

As lockdown orders are being lifted in different countries, non-essential services are slowly coming back but with strict guidelines.

In Netherlands and Thailand, red-light districts have been back in operation with s.e.x workers started working again. However, workers must follow certain guidelines that are even stricter than social distancing rules.

Workers must follow certain guidelines that are even stricter than social distancing rules.

After three months, the red-light districts of Bangkok opened on July 1. According to Reuters, massage parlors, karaoke venues, and bars were the latest businesses received approvals from the government to reopen but with conditions.

Thailand has gone more than 37 days since the last case of local transmission was reported. Thousands of s.e.x workers who were jobless and struggled to survive can now come back to work.

Bee, a 27-year-old dancer said that she was glad to be able to return to work and was fine with wearing a face mask for precaution.

Thousands of s.e.x workers who were jobless and struggled to survive can now come back to work.

All customers visiting bars will have their temperature checked. They also need to submit their name as well as their phone number. Customers will need to be at least one meter apart from each other and two meters from the stage.

Also on July 1, s.e.x workers in the Netherlands also came back to work. It has been advised that workers should avoid kissing and heavy breathing to lower the risk of getting infected with the virus.

Workers should avoid kissing and heavy breathing.

S.e.x workers have already followed strict health regulations. But now, the industry has published a list of recommendations with sexual positions to avoid.

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