Pink Supermoon: Everything You Need To Know And How To See It In India

Aadhya Khatri

Here is everything you need to know about the pink supermoon, where its name comes from, its meaning, and how you can see it in India

This week we get to see a pink supermoon rises in the sky. What to expect are a full moon and our only natural satellite will be closer than ever to our planet.

And what does this mean for us? The answer here is the pink supermoon will look brighter and bigger to our eyes as it will be just 357,042 kilometers from Earth.

What Is The Pink Supermoon mean?

While the name pink supermoon might make you think of the special color of the Moon but in reality, that name derives from something else.

While the name pink supermoon might make you think of the special color of the Moon but in reality, that name derives from something else

The names are more symbolic actually. In the same fashion, do not expect to see the Moon resembles a fish when Sturgeon Moon happens in August or looks red with June Strawberry Moon.

This name comes from the way Native Americans kept the time. The tribes lived along the east coast named moon phrases after the changes of the landscape in each season.

The tribes lived along the east coast named moon phrases after the changes of the landscape in each season

The pink supermoon is believed to take its name from a flower that blooms when spring starts.

According to The Old Farmer's Almanac’s Amy Nieskens, when Full Pink Moon appears, it heralds moss pink’s appearance. The plant is one of the first spring flowers to bloom.

Some others may call the phenomenon the Egg Moon, the Sprouting Grass Moon, or the Fish Moon, as it marks the start of Spring.

As stated by the London-based Royal Observatory Greenwich, different cultures will have different names to call it.

Pink Supermoon Spiritual Meaning

According to Paula Pavlova, and astrologer and co-founder of MoonBox, the name pink supermoon comes from the ground phlox, which blooms and cover the Earth like a blanket in spring.

The name pink supermoon comes from the ground phlox, which blooms and cover the Earth like a blanket in spring

She also said pink is the symbol of new life, just like the light pink buds lying await for the sunlight to turn green. So the Pink Moon represents the rebirth of all forms of life.

This month’s supermoon signifies the time when life emerges after a long hibernating period to gain vitality and strength. That is also roughly the meaning of the pink supermoon in Libra.

Pink Supermoon 2020 India

This month’s pink supermoon will show itself at 2:35 am (GST), April 8

This month’s pink supermoon will show itself at 2:35 am (GST), April 8. Indians will see its peak at 8:05 am on the same day. Unfortunately, that is daytime so you might not be able to see the Moon in its brightest form.

However, that does not mean you cannot see it when it is most beautiful. Here is the link you might want to follow to see the pink supermoon.

Pink Supermoon 2020 Australia

As stated by the Sydney Observatory, this month sees the biggest supermoon of the year so if you have a balcony or a backyard, you will probably see it. The phenomenon will take place at 4:09 am AEST.

Pink Supermoon Philippines 2020

In the Philippines, you will be able to see the pink supermoon at sunset and it will reach its peak brightness at 10:35PM.

Read more:  Our Earth Just Has A Tiny Second Moon

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