[Video] Thousands Of Pink Jellyfish Invade Beach As Humans Under CO.VID-19 Lockdown

Aadhya Khatri

Biologists recently spotted thousands of pink jellyfish gathering in large masses. They have been absent in the area for years, scared away human activities

Palawan, the Philippines has long been a crowded tourist destination. As CO.VID-19 showing no sign of slowing down, the beaches are now deserted.  And when humans retreat from somewhere, nature will flourish.

Biologists recently spotted thousands of pink jellyfish gathering in large masses. They have been absent in the area for years, scared away by the aggressive activities of humans.

The stunning pink jellyfish are usually called sea tomatoes and as they feel no threat left in their habitat, they resurface for the first time for years. When tourists take over the region, the jellyfish stay closer to the bottom of the ocean to avoid us.

As stunning as it might be, however, more research is still required to find out the real reason behind this once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon, as stated by Sheldon Rey Boco, a Ph.D. candidate at Griffith University. He was also the one who spotted the bloom of pink jellyfish.

The Philippines is currently under lockdown to stop the spread of CO.VID-19. Ever since the country confirmed the first case on January 30, the pandemic has taken the lives of 100 people and infected over 2,300 people.

Sheldon also shared a video taken on March 23 at Corong Corong Beach. Palawan.

Pink jellyfish appearing in large numbers might not be a good sign. As they flourish in water with a low level of oxygen and overfishing has reduced the number of their predators, jellyfish actually signals climate change rather than natural healing.

Pink jellyfish appearing in large numbers might not be a good sign

According to the Smithsonian, climate change can also reduce the time required for jelly embryos and larvae to develop.

So we might expect to see more blooms like this soon.

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