Participants At A Japanese Speed-Dating Event Sit In Silence While Robots Do The Talking

Harin - Feb 28, 2019

Participants At A Japanese Speed-Dating Event Sit In Silence While Robots Do The Talking

A speed-dating event in Japan used tiny robots to do the talking for the participants so that they can focus on listening to their potential matches.

Because people who face difficulties in looking for a romantic partner might lack the needed experience and confidence to strike a conversation, a robotics association in Tokyo recently organized a speed-dating event. At this party, human participants can sit in silence on each side of a table while tiny robots do the talking for them.

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The bizarre event was held in Tokyo, Japan by Contents innovation Program Association whose specialization is Ai, robotics and other technology development.

A series of YouTube videos show that potential matches were sitting face to face, but instead of having a conversation with each other, they just sit there with their gazes put on two small robots on the table.

The robots then ask and answered prepared questions. Before going to the event, participants needed to complete a survey of 45 questions.

The conversation lasted for around three minutes. By the end of the talk, they can choose whether to have a direct conversation with their partner or not.

It is reported that among 28 women and men taking part in this event, many of them were quite impressed with their little assistants. They claimed that since they didn’t have to talk, they could concentrate on listening and find out more about their partners.

One participant said:


Another one continued:


Apparently, these participants think that when the robots helped them presented their qualities and interests to their partners, they wouldn’t come off as self-centered or dull.

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Casey Baseel from SoraNews24 explained:


A Japanese media company called CyberAgent teamed up with Sharp, the Japanese tech giant to develop the robots in this speed-dating event. Surprisingly, they have contributed to the forming of four new couples. So we might see them again real soon.

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