P.o.r.n Industry Claimed It Could Protect Hollywood Film Crews From COVID-19

Aadhya Khatri

Long before COVID-19, the adult content industry has faced a epidemic that is no less deadly, HIV. So it has plenty of experience Hollywood could learn

P.o.r.n industry can teach Hollywood a thing or two about how to keep film crews safe in the time of COVID-19.

According to Mike Stabile, a representative of a trade association for the adult entertainment industry of the US, when they talked about the Coronavirus, they felt prepared as the p.o.r.n industry has a long history of testing and contact tracing when HIV started being a worry.

The protocols the adult industry applies including mass testing and a database that shows who is cleared to wok and who is not. This system was created in the 90’s when a p.o.r.n star faked his HIV test result and infected several others.

The person behind the system is Sharon Mitchell, a former p.o.r.n star turned physician. The protocols are called PASS (short for Performer Availability Scheduling Services). It requires p.o.r.n stars to take HIV test every 14 days. The data will then be stored in a database, telling directors who are available to work.

The person behind the system is Sharon Mitchell, a former p.o.r.n star turned physician

Stabile said while COVID-19 is more easily transmitted from person to person, p.o.r.n industry was more than willing to share its expertise and experience with Hollywood.

Hollywood has been thinking hard in the last few weeks to find a way to ensure filming crew’s safety when resuming production.

Hollywood has been thinking hard in the last few weeks to find a way to ensure filming crew’s safety when resuming production

On the bright side, Hollywood can put their hope on foreign filming sites like Denmark, Czech Republic, and Iceland. But it is unclear at this point if directors would want to travel to another country to film when the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet been contained.

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