Now You Can Bank Your Pets' Stem Cells After Neutering Them

Anil - Oct 25, 2019

Now You Can Bank Your Pets' Stem Cells After Neutering Them

Depending on the queries, the follow-up costs will be varied.

As being the most beloved animals to humans, dogs naturally enjoy many privileges, including access to the latest medical advances for them. Among which, a therapeutic technology of stem cell stands out as the most essential. The good news is that recently, a company called Gallant is developing a specialized stem-cell bank exclusively for dogs, which will allow human cryopreservation of dogs’ stem cells in the future.

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Gallant is developing a specialized stem-cell bank exclusively for dogs.

The stem cell medical advance is expected to provide hope for dogs suffering from physical problems, such as osteoarthritis. Gallant's direction is to extract the stem cells while the dogs are in the neutering process. This method has the advantage of storing healthy and young cells while avoiding the potential risks as compared to storing cells when your dogs are older and weaker.

In fact, the cost of freezing stem cells in veterinary centers is normally quite high. The most basic one, which is for initial procedures, accounts for Rs 4,20,00. Not to mention storage fee, which is paid once (Rs 4,20,00 for a lifetime) or annually (Rs 7,000/year). Dog owners will also have to pay extra fees to the veterinarian to use the stem cells after the stem cell collection process is complete.

Depending on the queries, the follow-up costs will be varied.

In general, depending on the queries, the follow-up costs will be varied. However, with the development of Gallant's stem cell technology, in the long run, dog owners will save huge bucks as compared to surgery or drug prescriptions. Gallant is also offering an initial-free fee at the beginning and has discounted its storage costs.

The similar stem cell technology for cats will soon be introduced. For now, Gallant has completed the acquisition of a company researching chronic kidney treatment for cats. Along with that, the company is also beginning to conduct additional necessary testings.



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