Nino, India’s First Educational Robot, Brings More Fun To Class

Dhir Acharya - Dec 03, 2018

Nino, India’s First Educational Robot, Brings More Fun To Class

Nino, a product from Sirena, will make school much more fun while helping kids learn.

Robots have become a part of our society for a while now. With the help of robots, we automate production chains in factories, robots also get some dangerous tasks done for us like defusing bombs and repairing nuclear reactors, etc.

However, it seems that robots haven’t appeared as an essential part of our normal lives. But India’s about to change that.



Take Nino for example, this robot was created by Sirena Technologies in Bangalore. Nino is a humanoid robot, it looks like some other Japanese robots we’ve been familiar with, but the India's first educational robot comes with some cool additions. Besides the actuators, standard servos and processors, the developers also add Sirena’s AI system into Nino.

This robot is not simply a companion for a fun time, though it does have some slick moves. Under Sirena’s SKIP program, Nino is teaching students in schools as well as colleges. This way, the robot has become the first educational robot in India to bring fun to classes for students from primary school and higher.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho nino robot

Nino's dance move

As a teaching aid in schools, Sirena's educational robot helps children with the learning of linguistic and logical skills. At higher education levels and in universities programs, Nino, along with other robots, provides students with a way to practice in their mechanical and engineering projects.

The SKIP program, which stands for Sirena Knowledge & Information Program, is a learning package for children that makes use of robotic concepts, content, as well as actual experience with robots. The program is meant to introduce Real Robotics and Technology to children, which helps create their awareness and aids children in learning about technology.

In addition, Nino can provide help inside your home, too. He is able to control your IoT gadgets at home following your command, it can also learn your routine over time.

Now, check out some key features of this robot in the following video.


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