In New York, Couples Can Get Married Online Without Caring About CO.VID-19


They're using use Zoom or Google Meets to hold their wedding ceremony at home.

Remote wedding

Remote wedding

The global COVID-19 pandemic has discouraged thousands of couples from having their dream wedding. Sympathizing with their situation, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has made allowance for them to get married through video chat other than waiting hopelessly at home. 

Like other celebrations and holidays, people who don’t want to postpone their marriage tend to use Zoom or Google Meets to hold a wedding ceremony, as reported by The Verge. Cuomo’s executive order is actually a solution made to prevent potential threats from possible secret wedding under lockdown. 

Legal procedure

In particular, Cuomo has calculated and planned for clerks to hold a nuptial remotely at ease. The most important thing is the marriage license that is now available to be obtained online. Therefore, engaged couples don’t have to wait for government offices to re-open in order to be officially recognized. 

The Verge added that Cuomo was really proud of his decision and confided that there would be no plausible excuses for silly questions surrounding the marriage. 

Is it better to wait? 

Is it better to wait?

At the time being, the lockdown status of New York has been extended to May 15; however, it is unlikely that the order will be canceled as pre-scheduled. That is the reason why engaged couples choosing to wait for their ‘real’ nuptials possibly have to wait for a long time. 

Meanwhile, if they have their wedding organized on Zoom, they will be able to mute any talkative guests before they try to read the vow. 

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