Netflix Is Setting Kids Free Of Over 400 Hours Of Commercial Ads A Year

Mandy Seth - May 28, 2019

Netflix Is Setting Kids Free Of Over 400 Hours Of Commercial Ads A Year

It isn’t exaggerated to say that Netflix is dominating the entertainment world, at least to most younger people nowadays!

Offering a lot of interesting content, available in all genres, it is easy to understand why subscription service Netflix is so adored in these days. Then, the question is do we fully explore it (and its benefit) yet?

According to the University of Michigan study in 2010, there was an incredibly high number of television watched by children every day. They watch all the time when cooking, cleaning, doing homework, or even when doing nothing!  

kids commercials
Children watch TVs all the time, even when they are doing nothing!  

The report also revealed that kindergarten-years-old kids watch averagely 32 hours of television per week, while kids at the age of 6 to 11 spend around 28 hours. It created a theory that the older the kid is, the less time they spent on television. Unfortunately, this time the addiction is just simply transited from television to smartphone!

Another report of Nielsen in 2014 pointed out that every 15 minutes of television will come along with averagely 15 seconds of commercials. That means, 1600 hours of television watched by 2-5 years old kids will occupy with 413 hours of ads, and similarly, the 6-11 years old kids will watch over 374 hours of ads during their 1450 hours of TV a year.

Lucky for us, we don’t watch television that much today. Truly, many households are now turning into new convenient choices of entertainment like Netflix, Amazon Prime or YouTube, instead of staying loyal to a cable or DTH connection of the traditional television. For that reason, kids - being firmly occupied with their parent choice of entertainment - are watching streaming contents which are pretty free of commercials!

Indeed, it is good news to tell. Netflix is saving your children out of the commercial ads attack, taken for granted! In case you wonder how bad these ads could affect the children’s mind. We always focus too much on restricting contents that children watch, but accidentally forget that commercial ads - which show up just a few seconds on each with a thousand time of replay - may have more influence and be more harmful to the kids!



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