First High-Resolution Of Mars Taken By NASA's Curiosity Rover Sent Back To Earth

Aadhya Khatri

NASA just made public 1,000 pictures with a total of 1.8 billion pixels of Mars. As you may have guessed, the panorama picture will take your breath away

Now you get to see Mars like never before. NASA has just made public 1,000 pictures with a total of 1.8 billion pixels of the red planet and as you may have guessed, they will take your breath away.

On Wednesday, NASA uncovered a Martian panorama with photos taken by the Curiosity rover in 2019. The panorama is of the highest resolution the space agency has ever produced on the red planet.

On Wednesday, NASA uncovered a Martian panorama with photos taken by the Curiosity rover in 2019

It shows how the Glen Torridon area of Mars looks like. Users have the choice to either see the whole thing on a browser or download the 2.25 GB worth of images for free. The panorama is accompanied by its smaller version that shows more of the Curiosity rover.

NASA also released a video showing you how you can best use the panorama image. Some of the highlights are the crater rim, the wheel track behind the rover, and the impact crater inside the Gale.

In order to offer us a closer look at the red planet, the Curiosity team has to time the shootings at the same time of each day so that the lighting is consistent across the image.

With more countries joining the journey to explore space, like India with its plan to send astronauts, we are getting closer than ever to have humans on Mars

While we might have to wait for a few more years before humans can set foot on Mars, but in the meantime, we can be satisfied with this panorama image to stir our curiosity.

With more countries joining the journey to explore space, like India with its plan to send astronauts, we are getting closer than ever to that goal.

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