The Story Of Killswitch - The Haunted Game That No One Could Confirm Its Existence


The Story Of Killswitch - The Haunted Game That No One Could Confirm Its Existence

When players reached the final scene of the game, a whitened screen reportedly appeared and the game then suddenly disappeared without a trace left.

The 'horror' category is no longer new to the gamer community. There is also a diverse pool of which to choose, but Killswitch - the game which hasn’t been verified because only a few people have reportedly played it - still stands out from that list and stays on the verge of ambiguous existence. 

Killswitch Wake Up Neo
The game still stays on the verge of ambiguous existence.

It tells the story of a woman waking up in a coal mine with a body full of wounds. On the hunt for a way out, she has to complete every mission, such as beating demonic inspectors and undead miners, to finally gain machinery that can help her. To start the game, players have to choose their own character, Porto the woman. The looted items would come up at the bottom, and they would be tried on everything to discover the real use. 

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It tells the story of a woman waking up in a coal mine with a body full of wounds.

Players can also choose to play as an invisible character which is equipped with a limited amount of fiery weaponry - demon Ghast. However, it is not only invisible to enemies but also out of players’ sight?!

The appearance of Ghast initially seemed valueless to the whole story of Porto. Not until an article titled “Porto and her beloved Ghast” published by the company of Killswitch did the public regard the role of the demon as some kind of friend or pet. But what did make it so scary? 

Ghast is not only invisible to enemies but also out of players’ sight?!

Unfortunately, no one can exactly tell the reason why the press release came out, just like that of the game’s existence. 

All of this mix-up has resulted from Killswitch’s self-terminate function. After the game is completed, it deletes all traces on the personal computer on its own, which have irritated many customers. 

When players reached the final scene of the game, a whitened screen reportedly appeared and the game then suddenly disappeared without a trace left.

It was supposed that the game had been sold with only 5000 copies, so the last few ones became invaluable. When players reached the final scene of the game, a whitened screen reportedly appeared and the game then suddenly disappeared without a trace left.

Nothing about Killswitch could be found anywhere. Until 2005, the sealed copy of the game suddenly appeared on eBay with an unbelievable price of $733,000. 

Yamato Ryuichi intended to record the gameplay footage but ended up sitting in front of the character selection screen and couldn't help crying.

Unsurprisingly, Yamato Ryuichi, a rich Japanese gamer, had already bought the game. He intended to record the gameplay footage but ended up posting a video in which he sitting in front of the character selection screen and couldn't help crying! Not long after, the video has disappeared from the Internet, exactly the same as Killswitch terminated itself. 

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