E-Scooter From Audi Turns Out To Be A Skateboard With Handle

Saanvi Araav

E-Scooter From Audi Turns Out To Be A Skateboard With Handle

Audi has just revealed its E-Tron Scooter - an e-scooter is designed for travelers who don't usually ride in a car or can't afford to buy the E-Tron SUV.

If the E-Tron SUV of Audi is just too expensive and big for your budget, you can consider buying an e-scooter. The company just revealed its E-Tron Scooter - a product line is designed for travelers who don't usually ride in a car. Though, you won't confuse with any other electric vehicles out there.

The E-Tron Scooter from Audi - a product line for travelers who don't usually ride in a car

E-Tron Scooter

Although this device looks like a scooter, you can change your weight to control it in the same way as to how to drive a skateboard. That means you can carve this scooter. Plus, you only need one hand to operate it, so you still have a free hand to signal or carry shopping bag.

The E-Tron SUV is not the beefiest e-scooter compared to other electric commuting devices at the range of the 12.5MPH top speed. But at least, it can meet the principal demand of commuters. It only weighs 26-pound, and you can also fold it and pull it around similar to a trolley. Thanks to that, you wouldn't have tired yourself out while hauling it across the station or into the building.

E-Tron Scooter also allows drivers to activate anti-theft protection and ride tuning via a Bluetooth connection.

It only weighs 26-pound, and you can also fold it and pull it around similar to a trolley.

How will they roll it out?

E-Tron Scooter is now just a concept. However, the company hopes to ship it out as a full-fledged product. It is estimated that they will launch it by next year with the price tag of 2,235 U.S dollars. They might also offer it as an extra option for the buyers of their E-Tron SUV who could use the car trunk to charge this scooter. While it is not a must purchase, you could buy this e-scooter if you have to take short trips regularly.