China Sent Underwear To Pakistan Instead Of N95 Masks, How Cruel!!!

Dhir Acharya

China may be an ally of Pakistan and promised to send N95 masks to the country. However, China sent underwear instead, which took Pakistanis by storm.

China may be an ally of Pakistan, but in a recent incident, China did something that insulted Pakistan and may have hurt their relationship badly, especially in such a sensitive time. Guess what, China sent underwear to Pakistan while it was supposed to send face masks!

This is an N95 mask, which China was supposed to send to Pakistan

A video about this incident and went viral since it was posted just a couple of days ago. In the video, a Pakistani reported said that China, instead of sending N95 face masks as they promised to help the country cope with the CO.VID-19 pandemic, sent masks that are made of underwear.

The reporter in the video said that China had tricked them. The country said that it would send N95 masks to Sindh but it instead sent underwear masks. Worse, the Sindh government didn’t check the masks, due to trusts and the urgent situation, and sent them to the hospital where they were claimed to be a joke.

Instead, China sent underwear to Pakistan

It’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time China made the news in such unfortunate incidents. In another case, Spain returned a batch of testing kits back to China as it found that the kits had a low detection rate at just 30 percent.

The Czech Republic also reported faulty testing kits. Accordingly, China sent 150,000 quick coronavirus testing kits to the Czech Republic but 80% of them were faulty. The kits were able to produce results in 10 to 15 minutes but the accuracy was lower than other tests, so the Czech Republic decided to use their lab tests.

There’s no certainty if the incident between China and Pakistan was accidental or intentional, it’s something we all don’t want to happen at such a time.

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