Britain’s Royal Statistical Society Report: Up To 90.5% Of Plastic Waste Is Non-Recyclable


This percentage is considered as the international statistic of the year 2018.

All of the animals and plants on our planet have faced the unprecedented risk due to human’s discarding waste indiscriminately, especially plastic waste. The whole world, from the land to the sea, seems to be sinking in the plastic waste.

The recent report states that people have littered about 5 trillion plastic pieces into all oceans, leading to severe pollution. Plastic can be found everywhere, from where only a few humans are living to where a human can’t live, like the deepest points of the ocean.

The following number must make all of us extremely shocked: Up to 92% of all current salt brands contain microplastics. That means plastic doesn’t only appear in the mountain of garbage we are discarding every day, but it is also available in each of our meals while we haven’t known anything.

The Associated Press reported that the Royal Statistical Society in Britain has also paid the attention to the alarming plastic pollution in the world. According to the organization, there is 90.5 percent of waste from plastic which human will be unable to recycle. This percentage is considered as the international statistic of the year 2018.

If you don’t know, the Royal Statistical Society is a world-class leading organization who focuses much on the statistics' importance. This year, the statistic concerning plastic pollution reported by the United Nations succeeds in attracting its attention. Through the abovementioned percentage, the organization wants to emphasize the plastic pollution’s severity to help us to be aware of what we are facing right now.

The good news is that until now, almost all of the people have had better knowledge of how to use plastic properly. Besides, in many cities all over the world, like in Mumbai, the government has issued a ban on using single-use plastic. However, we have had a lot of things to handle the massive amount of plastic waste.

In addition to the Royal Statistical Society, the Ocean Cleanup is another organization to keep its eyes on problems regarding plastic. In its Ocean Cleanup Project, the organization aims to clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch including countless garbage (like plastic) floating in the ocean. It’s a pity that we are still littering much more plastic into the environment than we used to, instead of really handling it.