Smartphone Saves Man's Life From Bow Attack

Anil - Mar 19, 2019

Smartphone Saves Man's Life From Bow Attack

A man has been charged after attacking by arrow and bow at another man. Fortunately, the smartphone helped save victim's life.

This uncommon case took place in New South Wales, Australia. NSW Police Department declared that they had arrested the 39-year-old man due to his arrow attack to another man. Fortunately, he was saved by his smartphone.

Phone Arrow Australia1

The victim's smartphone had saved the victim's life, narrowly avoiding the accident by stopping the arrow directly attacked towards him.

According to police, the mobile phone did keep the victim safe against a pointy arrow, but the force of the arrow caused the phone to hit the victim’s chin, said NSW Police Department.

The confrontation happened outside the victim's house. Police said the smartphone's owner had pulled up outside to find the man firing arrow outside his home. The victim was aware of the attacker, who armed with a bow and arrow. The phone has become an amazing shield, and be more helpful than using as a smartphone.

Phone Arrow Australia2

Photos released by New South Wales police show how the arrow shattered the victim’s phone but did not entirely go through into his body.

NSW Police noticed that the suspect shot his arrow and it cracked through the victim’s smartphone. The smartphone, fortunately, stopped the arrow. There was a slight laceration because the phone had hit the victim's chin, which is the attacking impact. He also just got minor injuries but did not have need any medical treatment.

Police have emerged to the incident scene and the man arrested was taken to Nimbin Police Station. The suspect has been accused of intentional assault, actual bodily harm, and malicious damage. The police department says the attacker was granted bail conditionally and set to appear in the local court in April.

It is uncovered what type of phone had protected the man, but we all expect to know which one had saved his life!


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