Another Benefit Of EVs: 10 Million New Jobs In India

Saanvi Araav

Another Benefit Of EVs: 10 Million New Jobs In India

To meet 30 percent of its transportation needs with electric vehicles by 2030 in India, around 10 million new jobs will be created.

The new green goal of India is to use electric vehicles to fulfill 30 percent of the country's transportation needs by 2030. This goal has been the incentive for many efforts from the Electric Vehicles industry as well as the government.

This is a great transition of the country from the old type of vehicles run on fossil fuel to a more greener type. Moreover, there is also an additional benefit comes with this transition: it will bring lots of associated jobs with the growing EV industry.

A new specialized workforce

Electric Cars India India Job Generation India Emp
It will bring lots of associated jobs with the growing EV industry.

From recent reports, we know that India has made a plan to have a specialized workforce to support the Electric Vehicles industry which will grow very fast in the future. They expect the number of new jobs that this new goal will create is about 10 million. What is their plan then?

The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Skill Development intends to manage the creation of such workforce in a time-bound and targeted manner. So they are looking to create a force that has specialties in many areas including testing, designing, management, manufacturing, services, infrastructure, and sales.

They intend to manage the creation of such workforce in a time-bound and targeted manner.

Curriculums And Standards

In a report of ET, an official said that they are working on a specialized curriculum to pair with the demand in the workforce of the Electric Vehicles industry. India has poured all of its resources into developing this curriculum which includes: the skill councils and stakeholder ministries of power and automotive sectors.

The Central Staff Research and Training Institute in Kolkata is working on a curriculum for technicians of EVs.

Moreover, Arindam Lahiri ( Automotive Skills Development Council CEO) has also said that they are working on the standards for EV-specific occupations. According to him, the draft is already ready and they could finish standardizing the standards by June. After that, there will also be another team who will review and approve these new standards.

At the same time, the Central Staff Research and Training Institute in Kolkata is working on a curriculum for technicians of EVs while the Power Sector Skill Council is in the process of developing working standards for technicians, helpers, supervisors who will work on e-vehicles.