AI-Powered Camera Keeps Mistaking Ball For Lineman’s Head


After the incident, a Scottish football club may feel regret its decision to use an AI-operated camera system to replace human cameramen.

After the incident, a Scottish football club may feel regret its decision to use an AI-operated camera system to replace human cameramen after the system kept mistaking the ball for the lineman’s head.

Last month, the Inverness Caledonian Thirtle Football Club, which participates in the Scottish Championship, announced that its Caledonian Stadium just got the AI-powered Pixellot camera system installed.

The Inverness Caledonian Thirtle Football Club announced that its Caledonian Stadium just got the AI-powered Pixellot camera system installed.

The aim of using the system was to replace human cameramen as the AI-controlled cameras have been designed to track and record the ball on the field. But the plan of using the system was wrecked as viewers, instead of seeing the ball on the screens, kept seeing the head of the lineman.

Fans who watched the game through their TVs at home complained via their social media accounts how the camera kept following the linesman rather than focusing on the actual game. And this caused them to miss the action, even one of two goals.

But the plan of using the system was wrecked as viewers, instead of seeing the ball on the screens, kept seeing the head of the lineman.

While AI has improved in recent years, with the incident at the Caledonian Stadium, it is proved to be far from perfect.

After news and footage of the hilarious mistake of the AI-based camera system became viral online, many Internet users suggested that Inverness should get linesmen as well as players hats or toupées to prevent such issues from happening in the future.

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