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Coronavirus can cause various diseases in humans. In January 2020, WHO declared that Wuhan variety is a public health emergency. One case of Coronavirus infection has been discovered in India. Effective presentations are wearing face masks and wash your hands with soap and clean, running water.  

Features- Mar 01, 2021

Countries That Have Received COVID-19 Vaccines From India

The country has sent over 55 lakh doses of vaccines to its neighboring countries. Here are some countries where India has supplied COVID-19 vaccines.

Features- Feb 25, 2021

The Philippines Offers To Trade Nurses For COVID-19 Vaccines

The Philippines would be willing to send thousands of its health workers to Germany and the UK in exchange for COVID-19 vaccines.

Features- Feb 24, 2021

Young Women Pretend To Be Grannies To Get COVID-19 Vaccine

The two disguised themselves as grannies and visited a COVID-19 vaccination site. They pretended to be over 65, thus eligible for the sought-after vaccine.

Features- Feb 24, 2021

Student Fakes News Of COVID-19 Outbreak In School To Avoid Exam

A Gujarat student was found to have spread fake news about a COVID-19 outbreak in her school so that she didn’t have to take an in-person exam.

Features- Feb 17, 2021

A 330ML Soft Drink Bottle Can Contain All The World’s SARS-CoV-2 Virus

There are about two trillion particles of the SAR-CoV-2 virus circulating around the world. And they all fit into one 330ml soft drink bottle.

Features- Feb 15, 2021

UK COVID-19 Strain Is 70% Deadlier Than Original Strain

The new virus strain, known as B.1.1.7, could be lethal at rates ranging from 30% to 70%, compared to the original COVID-19 virus.

Features- Feb 12, 2021

World's Second Oldest Person Miraculously Survived COVID-19

The second oldest person in the world, a 116-year-old French nun just recovered from COVID-19 on her 117th birthday (February 11).

Features- Feb 08, 2021

India’s Covishield Vaccine Works Against UK COVID-19 Strain

The COVID-19 vaccine could protect the recipients from not only the original pandemic virus but also the new variant B.1.1.7.

Features- Feb 04, 2021

China: Making Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Using Saline Solution To Profit

The group has been in operation since September 2020, making doses of COVID-19 vaccine using saline solutions and selling them at a high price.

Features- Feb 03, 2021

South Korea Began Testing Cats And Dogs For COVID-19

After a kitten in SoAfter a kitten in South Korea tested positive for COVID-19, the government has decided to test pets for the coronavirus.uth Korea tested positive for COVID-19, the government has decided to test pets for the...

Features- Feb 01, 2021

India, Fastest Country In Rolling Out COVID-19 Vaccination Program

According to the Indian Health Ministry, the country took 13 days to cross the 30 lakh mark for the number of people vaccinated with the COVID-19.

Features- Jan 29, 2021

China Starts Using Anal Swabs For COVID-19 Testing

China’s health authorities have begun implementing a new method of testing COVID-19, using an anal swab instead of a throat swab.