Tag: Wistron

8 results found
Violence-Hit Wistron Factory Resumes iPhone Production

ICT News- Mar 12, 2021

Violence-Hit Wistron Factory Resumes iPhone Production

Wistron- Apple’s supplier, has reportedly resumed its production at India’s facility ransacked by angry workers a few months ago protesting unpaid wages

Apple Is Ultimately Responsible For Underpayments At iPhone Factory, According To Indian Law

ICT News- Dec 23, 2020

Apple Is Ultimately Responsible For Underpayments At iPhone Factory, According To Indian Law

According to a local report, as stated in Indian law, Apple has to ultimately take responsibility for the violent protest at the Wistron facility

Wistron Admitted Mishandling Workers' Wages, Being Put On Probation With No New Business From Apple

ICT News- Dec 21, 2020

Wistron Admitted Mishandling Workers' Wages, Being Put On Probation With No New Business From Apple

Following a recent violent protest in one of Wistron plants in India, Apple has put the Taiwanese company on probation until further notice

More Than 20,000 iPhones Were Stolen Following Indian Plant Riot

ICT News- Dec 16, 2020

More Than 20,000 iPhones Were Stolen Following Indian Plant Riot

According to statistics, Wistron lost Rs 437 crore and over 20,000 iPhones were stolen. There are currently no reports of casualties.

Furious Over Brutal Exploitation, Thousands Of Wistron Workers Robbed And Ransacked iPhone Factory

ICT News- Dec 14, 2020

Furious Over Brutal Exploitation, Thousands Of Wistron Workers Robbed And Ransacked iPhone Factory

A day after the incident at the Wistron facility in Karnataka, the company’s employees is not sure when the factory can resume its operation

Smartphone Giants Forced To Close Factories Due To India Lockdown: Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, OPPO, And LG

Mobile- Mar 26, 2020

Smartphone Giants Forced To Close Factories Due To India Lockdown: Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Vivo, OPPO, And LG

Not only Apple, multiple large companies in the mobile industry such as Xiaomi, OPPO, Vivo, Samsung, and LG have also announced the closure of their factories in India due to India lockdown.

Apple Will Soon Manufacture The Newest iPhone In India

ICT News- Apr 03, 2019

Apple Will Soon Manufacture The Newest iPhone In India

“Apple no longer wants to keep all its eggs in one basket,”

Low Demand Of iPhone XR Forces Apple To Cancel Production Boost

Mobile- Nov 07, 2018

Low Demand Of iPhone XR Forces Apple To Cancel Production Boost

Due to poor sale figure of iPhone XR, Apple is reportedly asking its assembly partners to cut the production of its latest iPhone XR to match with the demand of the market.

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