Tag: U.S Air Force

3 results found
First Raytheon's Anti-Drone Buggy Shipped To The U.S Air Force

Features- Oct 24, 2019

First Raytheon's Anti-Drone Buggy Shipped To The U.S Air Force

This anti-drone system merely has all the merits: mobility, accuracy, and lethality.

US Air Force Will Allow Hackers To Target Its Satellite By Any Means

ICT News- Sep 29, 2019

US Air Force Will Allow Hackers To Target Its Satellite By Any Means

For the US government, relying on hackers to find security bugs is not something weird.

US Military Is Working On Exoskeleton Technology For Soldiers

Features- Mar 25, 2019

US Military Is Working On Exoskeleton Technology For Soldiers

The U.S military is working with Sarcos Robotics to develop an exoskeleton suit that could help enhance their soldiers.

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