This Hammer-Sized AirPod Can Play Music Like A Real One

Aadhya Khatri

This idea of giant fully-functioning AirPods will definitely catch on and the Redditor might find himself a niche market for his product

In the last few weeks, the tech world has been buzzing with the release of the AirPods Pro, Apple’s latest offer in the lineup of its wireless earbuds, which also double as a status symbol.

You might have heard of other companies trying to copy the look or even the functions of the AirPods, but there is one Reddit user going by the name Master_Aar17 that has another idea of a product inspired by Apple’s. What he built is an AirPods with full functions but with the size of a hammer.

Here is how it looks:

The AirPod has full functions and the size of a hammer

Master_Aar17 also provided a video of the earbud playing “Here Comes the Sun” of the Beatles, as well as the schematics of the device.

This idea will definitely catch on, and the Redditor might find himself a niche market for his idea; unfortunately, he has no plan to commercialize it. He said that Apple would not be happy if he sold the giant AirPod, but he also confirmed that some people had asked if the device was for sale.

Apple’s earbuds have inspired lots of weird ideas, and a hammer-sized AirPod is not the oddest design we have ever seen.

The AirPods have become such a style icon that ASOS, a fashion retailer, has started selling silver Apple’s earbuds that serve no other purpose than decoration.

This silver AirPod serves no other purpose than decoration

The dummy earbuds receive positive feedbacks from customers but some people also said that they look exactly like g-tips.

These fake AirPod can do nothing other than sitting on your ear, making people think that somehow you manage to get a pair of silver shells for your earbuds.

They come at a cheaper price than a real bud, obviously. Each of ASOS’s decorating bud is retailed for $9.50. And yes, you have just one bud, not a pair.

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