Apple Is Updating Its Super Safe Charging System, MagSafe

Aadhya Khatri - Apr 07, 2019

Apple Is Updating Its Super Safe Charging System, MagSafe

The new MagSafe is believed to solve most of the original one's problems

Apple is considering reintroducing an enhanced version of the MagSafe, a highly popular type of connectors but is absent on the company’s newer products. Apple has applied for a patent for this invention, said USPTO.

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The old MagSafe is well-loved

In the description, Apple highlighted how the jointing mechanism could damage the device when the power cords are tugged. While the MagSafe was believed to be a better solution than the traditional plugging method. Apple said that it did not think that was safe and efficient enough.

MagSafe was introduced in 2006 along with the MacBook Pro. It maintains a connection with the device by using magnetic force. When a jolting incident happens, someone trips over the cord, for example, the connector will be pulled off with minimal damage to the socket.

The company also highlighted another problem of the old proprietary magnetically attached power connectors. They used to have a light on, which turned orange when the device was charging and green if it had been fully charged. The light was on all the time, so it continuously drew power out of the device, which, in turn, decreased the efficiency of the charging process on the primary device.

The old MagSafe was not entirely safe in jolting events, Apple said. It was prone to damage too because it held an attracting force throughout the event.

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The old MagSafe was not entirely safe in jolting events, Apple said

With the invention Apple is applying for a patent, their new smart charging system can attract and repel the connector from the device, fixing the what causes the damage on the old MagSafe, which is the fact that it maintains connection during the jolting incident.

According to the company, the new charging system had a sensor that can detect the occurrence. When there was no threat anymore, it can perform a magnetical attraction to the device. If the jolting even happen, it can separate itself off.

For the problem with the lighting indication, which is orange when plugged in correctly and green when fully charged, but always on, which slows the charging time down, Apple found a solution too. Its newer cord will make use of haptic feedback mechanism to tell users of whether it was successfully connected or not. The cord will vibrate when you plug it in correctly but just for a short period of time.

The last piece of information we can make out from the patent is that Apple wanted to create a charging system that can go with a broader range of devices, including tablets, wearable devices, smartphones, and computer, which makes the newer and refreshed version more accessible than the old MagSafe, which is for Mac computers only.

This news might stir our curiosity and make us expecting this invention to make it to reality; please bear in mind that a patent is not a confirmation that the device will be out for commercial use. There are so many inventions that have been left to gather dust somewhere that the public has grown skeptical over time. So do not be too excited just yet.

On the other hand, we may have higher hope for this one. MagSafe was discontinued and is absent on Apple’s latest products. The last time anyone saw this innovative and smart connector was on MacBook Air in 2017. So it is reasonable for Apple to reinvent it and add some more features to create a safer version.

The memory of the MagSafe is still fresh in people’s mind so many have expressed disappointment when Apple abandoned the magnetic cord and used USB-C as the replacement. This new solution may give users the best of both worlds with a charging system that can assure you of the safety of the good old MagSafe as well as the power of the USB-C.


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