A YouTuber Faces Imprisonment And A Big Fine For His Behavior

Bana Sabanis

Meanwhile, the YouTuber didn't feel guilty and just thought what he did is absolutely right and at least, helps homeless people to clean their teeth.

YouTuber is a familiar job of many social network users. They can make a lot of money thanks to videos posted on their channel.

YouTuber Kanghua Ren (also known as ReSet).

Born in 1998, YouTuber Kanghua Ren (also known as ReSet) will probably be imprisoned and pay a big fine for his actions. The reason behind the incident is also due to the videos that he posted on his personal channel.

As one of his hobbies, Kanghua Ren often posts videos that are ridiculous, prank and make fun of people. With each video posted, there are lots of comments, likes, and dislikes on his YouTube channel. If he does not exceed the limit, there will be no problem.

On January 2017, Kanghua Ren posted a hoax video of a homeless person in Barcelona. He gave the homeless a pack of Oreo cookies and invited the homeless to eat them. However, the cream of Oreo cookies has been replaced with toothpaste. The homeless man (52-year-old) was vomiting and annoyed with Kanghua's game.

"I think he hasn't cleaned them since he became poor." said ReSet.

The behavior of young YouTuber is condemned harshly by the network community and society. He offended honor and hurt homeless people. Meanwhile, Kanghua Ren still proved very calm and happy. He thinks what he did is absolutely right and at least, helps homeless people to clean their teeth.

He said:

Later, Ren was arrested by Barcelona city authorities. He is accused of his wrongdoing against "moral integrity" of the homeless. After that, the court decided to close his YouTube channels and social networks within 5 years.

Besides, Kanghua Ren also faces a 15-month prison sentence. The additional penalty of this behavior may amount to more than $ 22,000. In fact, his actions are not to the point of imprisonment due to their national regulations and institutions. However, the fine amount is 10 times higher than the amount he earns from videos posted on YouTube.

This is the consequence of those who despise and satire others.

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