Can You Believe It? This Porn Site Created A TikTok-Like App Called SWYP

Dhir Acharya

Can You Believe It? This Porn Site Created A TikTok-Like App Called SWYP

YouPorn, a popular adult website and one of the most visited sites in the world, has launched SWYP. The app copies several features from TikTok.

No matter what new platform comes out, porn will eventually fill it, making it too easy to find adult content, like YouTube. Last year, YouPorn, a pornographic video sharing site, one of the top 100 most visited sites on the planet, released a Spotify-like feature. It rolled out AI-powered personalized weekly video playlists.

And now, in a new attempt to spread its content and better serve its users, YouPorn has rolled out SWYP, a TikTok-like app. fundamentally, SWYP is a pared-down version of YouPorn’s home page. It’s noted in a press release that in the new app, users don’t have to click play time after time, which is a common concern for them who spend an average of 7 minutes on the website.

YouPorn SWYP app

According to the firm’s description, users can save the app to their phone’s home screen directly from the site’s home page and the app seems to be TikTok-like offering a clean interface without visual distractions. When you swipe left to watch the entire video, the app will show you similar content, using machine learning.

However, the press release didn’t mention one of the defining characteristics of TikTok: TikTok does not pay content creators. And YouPorn is infamous for pirating videos, causing adult entertainers to have their revenue decreased.

Similar to TikTok, this app serves advertisements independently of videos created by users and kills in-browser ads allowing creators to make money from their work. YouPorn didn’t immediately comment on the matter of how content creators can make money on the app, but that seems unlikely.

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