Woman Was Solid Frozen For 6 Hours But Still Alive

Dhir Acharya

Many people related to this story still find it unbelievable, but a 19-year-old woman was actually frozen for 6 hours, thought dead, and came back to life.

What’s the chance of a person surviving after being frozen at -22 degrees? Many people directly related to this story still find it unbelievable, but a 19-year-old woman was actually frozen for 6 hours, thought dead, and came back to life.

This bizarre story happened to Jean Hilliard in late 1980, describing how the young woman collapsed on a freezing night while trying to find shelter after having a car accident. About 6 hours after that, she was found “frozen” solid and was taken to a hospital.

The young woman collapsed on a freezing night while trying to find shelter

When brought to the hospital, she breathed only 2-3 times per minute, and her heartbeat just 8 times per minute. The chance of surviving was really slim as the thermometer couldn’t even measure her body temperature, meaning she was under 80 degrees F. One of the doctors said that there weren’t any signs of blood pressure or the pulse and the body was too frozen they couldn’t find a vein to get a pulse.

Then Mrs. Erickson called the prayer chain chairman at the Baptist church and the prayer chain was set in motion. The prayer chain had gone on for a few hours when Hilliard’s feet and legs began to lighten instead of getting darker, then regained their natural color.

She was frozen at -22 degrees

The doctors and nurses at the hospital took their turn to marvel at the pinkish color appearing on her body. Before that, the doctors even thought they might have to amputate her.

As the prayer chain went on, the news of Jean Hilliard was spread to nearby towns and thousands of people knew about her case. Meanwhile, her doctor described her recovery as a miracle.

However, physicians said such incidents were not that rare: there are freezing victims fully recovering even after their heart stopped beating for prolonged periods. Dr. Richard Iseke stated that there exists a term saying a person is only dead if they are warm and dead. He added that there were many case reports where people survived as low as 68 degrees F.

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