What If We Live On Mars? Scientists May Have A Weird Diet For You


With these space food inventions, now you can start learning to eat like a Martian.

For many people, living on Mars or taking a sip of coffee there is extremely weird, but it might be possible for Elon Musk as he has triggered a plan to send humans to the Red Planet. Thanks to his idea, scientists are beginning to study a diet plan specifically for Martians.

From just an early idea of Elon Musk to establishing a separate human colony on Mars, researchers are now seriously thinking about eating and possible food sources on the planet. Some assumptions include the import of packaged food from the Earth or the cultivation of seeds for agricultural purposes on extraplanetary soil. However, researchers of the University of Central Florida have invented a self-sufficient food system that can serve bizarre diets to one million people on Mars.

In fact, the atmosphere and climate on Mars do not meet the ideal standards for breeding purposes. Therefore, if humans want to live on Mars, they will have to figure out alternative protein sources from modern food technologies. Common food on Earth such as eggs, fish, and meat, will probably have to be artificially grown through imported cells in the Earth. The growing medium will be inside the bioreactors.

Scientists totally believe in the possibility of growing vegetables on Mars. Through advanced agricultural farming techniques such as hydroponics, it is possible for the presence of plants that need less water and leave little traces behind. Furthermore, it is believed to fertilize the land on Mars and simulate ideal conditions for growing plants like those on Earth. However, plants must be grown in in-house environments, with strict lightning and atmospheric conditions.

In addition, insects are also considered to grow extraterrestrial food sources because they bring out a higher amount of calories than any other traditional protein sources, as well as are frequently utilized for cooking recipes.

In addition, scientists are also researching several special foods in space environment such as GMO plants, light snacks, lab-grown meat, and chicken-less eggs. There will be no organic and natural-produced food on Mars.

With these space food inventions, now you can start learning to eat like a Martian.

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