Pornhub Is Planning To Save Oceans & Prevent Plastic Pollution

Jyotis - Aug 29, 2019

Pornhub Is Planning To Save Oceans & Prevent Plastic Pollution

The video has been public on the official website of PornHub. Each view from its visitors will donate a small amount of money to a non-profit organization called Ocean Polymers.

Plastic pollution has now been one of the most-cared issues because it has a serious effect on both the land and the oceans. There are a lot of solutions to handle or at least, to reduce the possible outcomes. And it may be difficult to believe but watching porn turns out to be a good one, especially for those who don’t want to leave home.

The campaign called ‘Dirtiest Porn Ever’ was recorded in a beach covered by a ton of plastic trash.

PornHub, the top-world adult-video website in the world, has initiated a campaign called ‘Dirtiest Porn Ever’. Accordingly, a porn video was recorded in a beach covered by a ton of plastic trash.

The video has been public on the official website of PornHub. Each view from its visitors will donate a small amount of money to a non-profit organization called Ocean Polymers. This organization has planned to launch a ship to gather plastic waste on the sea.

According to the PornHub Vice President Corey Price:

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Each view from its visitors will donate a small amount of money to Ocean Polymers.

The couple in the video was reportedly Leolulu. In the trailer with the concept of 'how plastic and waste can ruin an otherwise beautiful scene', the couple is flirting and making love on an extremely polluted beach. While they are ‘busy’, a man wearing a hazmat suit is collecting plastic waste around them.

Back to Ocean Polymers, the non-profit organization has worked to clean up the seas and oceans by running a converted tanker to gather plastic. The waste, after that, will be turned into fuel for this tanker.

Heather Wigglesworth, who is now the executive director at Ocean Polymers, stated that:

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