Internet Users Are Using Google Street View To Find Deceased Relatives

Harin - Jan 16, 2020

Internet Users Are Using Google Street View To Find Deceased Relatives

Just recently, a Twitter user shared her story of how she found the last photo of her deceased grandfather through Street View.

When a relative passes away, people have a tendency to look for old pictures to reminisce the old memories. These photos are important, especially for those who don’t have a chance to meet their relative for the last time.

To see how far technology has developed, people can easily witness their relative’s last moments before they pass away. And that is exactly what internet users are doing, using Google Maps Street View to look for photos of their deceased relatives.

If you don’t know, Google Street View is a feature launched in 2007 and is integrated into Google Maps and Google Earth. What it does it to provide paranomic pictures of different roads, streets around the world.

What it does it to provide paranomic pictures of different roads, streets around the world.

Just recently, a Twitter user called yajaira whose real name is Leslie Barraza shared with CNN her story of how she found the last photo of her deceased grandfather through Street View. On January 7, Leslie and her sister were using this feature to search for her grandparents’ farm in Durango, Mexico. After a few touches, they reached the end of the road and saw their grandparents sitting on a chair.

On her Twitter, Leslie shared that her grandfather passed away a few years ago. But she has always felt bad for not seeing him for one last time. And she has got her wish fulfilled thanks to Google Street View.

Leslie’s 13-second video has gone viral on Twitter, inspiring a lot of people to share the images of their deceased relatives that they found with this technology. Leslie is happy to know that she has started a positive and meaningful trend. After reading Leslie’s story, Google has sent a thank you letter to her for using its technology.

Ben Jose, Google’s representative shared with CNN that the company was happy that its service could be a helpful tool for people to reminisce old meaningful memories with their relatives. With Google Street View, you might never know how your stuff will amaze people and end up virally on the Internet.

>>> Top 'WTF' Scenes On Google Street View That Makes You Laugh Out Loud


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